• Tea Room


    It happened on Friday, June 19th. Miss Robert, Philippa Leach and Miss Deleau organized it and some pupils from 4e euro and 4e web made all the cakes.

    You could eat traditional English and American pastries with a drink for 1.50 euro!

    The room was decorated with English and American posters. Philippa came with all the necessary stuff to make the place as typical as possible.

    The teachers were very proud of the pupils who did their best to make this day a very special day. All the pupils and the other teachers were very glad to come and have a nice and tasty time.

    Thank you everyone and see you next year !

    Here are some pictures of that memorable day:


    Philippa et Marie mais aussi quelques élèves contents d'être là, accompagnés de Mme Loyer, la Principale

    Tea Room


     La table mise avec de délicieux gâteaux tels que les fameux cupcakes...

    Tea Room

    Tea Room

     Un joli tableau !



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