• Harriet Tubman, who used to be a slave, will replace Andrew Jackson on $20-dollar bills



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    QUEEN ELIZABETH II's birthday !

    She was born on April 21st and now she is 90 years old!

    Afficher l'image d'origine





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    Regardez la vidéo et tentez de répondre aux questions

    VOCABULAIRE: eat=manger ate=manger au passé

    1) What is the kids ' reaction? They are --------

    2) What do the children do? They ------, they-------

    3) What do they say to their parents ? I ------- you

    4) Why? What did their parents do?

    5) Where are the children ?

    6) When is it?

    7) Why is this video funny?

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    Chers élèves je vous propose de regarder cette petite vidéo et de tenter de répondre aux questions ci-dessous.

    Vous pouvez ré-écrire les phrases en les complétant à la fin du cahier en précisant le titre de la vidéo ainsi que la date (en anglais)

    Vous n'allez pas comprendre toute la vidéo mais ce n'est pas grave!



    VOCABULAIRE pour t'aider:

    believe=croire, the dead=les morts, return as= revenir en tant que, leave=laisser, century=siècle, before=avant, shorten=raccourcir, dress up=s'habiller, in exchange=en échange, recite=réciter, jokes=des blagues, US consumers=consommateurs américains, spend=dépenser, billion=milliard, annually=chaque année, after=après

    1) Halloween is very old. It is ----------- years old

    2) It is a Celtic ----------- : Samhain

    3) On the night before Samhain, people believed (croyaient) the dead returned as ----------

    4) They would leave  -------- and ---------- (que laissaient-ils aux fantômes?)

    5) The Christian Church turned Samhain into --------------- Day (l'église chrétienne a ensuite transformé Samhain en la Toussaint) or ---------------------- in the 8th century

    6) The night before became (est devenue) All --------------   ----------. It was shortened (raccourci) to Halloween

    7) Young people would dress up in --------------- and accept ------------, ----------, ------------

    in exchange for ------------,reciting --------- or --------------- jokes

    8) In the 19th century, in America , ----------------- immigrants brought (ont apporté) this tradition

    9) Today US consumers spend ------ billion dollars on ------------- annually

    10) Halloween is the --------- commercial holiday after Christmas



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  • Watch the following video on a decision taken by the UK government

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  • ça fait réfléchir...


    Et en version soustitrée sur la page Facebook The Language Factory...

    Comment dissuader les gens d'acheter des armes?


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    You may have watched the news and learnt about Big Ben and its tiny problem...

    Vous avez probablement vu les informations et vous avez appris le petit problème que rencontre Big Ben en ce moment...

    Watch the following video and answer the questions in your comment:

    Regardez la vidéo qui suit et répondez aux questions dans votre commentaire:

    click here to watch the video





    1) What is the name of Big Ben's clock maker?

    2)When was the clock maker alerted that there was a problem?

    3) How many seconds late is Big Ben?

    4) Is it unusual (=inhabituel)?

    5) What are the 3 main causes he talks about?

    You can also read the article:




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  • New video: watch it and answer the following questions in a comment:

    1°How many paper bills are produced every year?

    2°Who are the actual faces on the bills? Try to give their full name?

    3°What is the percentage of the buying decisions taken by women?

    4°Where is the woman's place?

    5°These videos are all parts of a campain to put a woman's face on a bill. Which bill?

    6°Is the change easy to do? Justify your answer

    7°What are the children looking for in the last video?

    8°What do they think?

    9°What women would they put on the bills?(several answers)

    votre commentaire
  • Watch this video til the end and answer the following questions...

    Regardez la vidéo jusqu'au bout et répondez aux questions (il y a 2 niveaux: niveau 1=facile et niveau 2=plus difficile)

    Ellen DeGeneres: présentatrice d'un show aux Etats-Unis

    Niveau 1

    1) Ellen DeGeneres invites a mother and her daughter: yes/no?

    2) The daughter is very good at playing football/ singing/ dancing?

    3) What is the mother's job? -------------

    4) How old is the girl?-----------

    5) What is a butterfly?-------------------

    6) What is the girl's name?------------------------


    Niveau 2

    1)When did Ellen see the video for the first time? last weekend/last week/last summer?

    2)How many views does this video have? 1 million/ 2 millions/ more?

    3) When is the girl's birthday? July 9th / August 8th / August 9th ?

    4) When will the mother and her daughter meet Beyonce?------------------------(month/day)

    5) Where?--------------

    6) Ellen offers the girl a butterfly outfit for a special occasion...which one?--------------

    7) What does the girl's name mean in French?-------------------

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  • Gender equality!

    Des papas se sont mis à la place de femmes enceintes! C'est ça l'égalité des genres!

    Suivez ce lien et regardez les vidéos:cliquez ici

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