Video:"Electing a US president in plain English"
Vidéo à visionner et questions auxquelles vous répondrez à la fin de votre cahier de cours. Toujours en précisant la date (en anglais), le titre de la vidéo et en rédigeant les questions et vos réponses: Electing a US president in plain English
Astuce: vous pouvez mettre les sous-titres en anglais!
1) How often do American people elect a new president ?
◊ every year ◊ every second year ◊ every fourth year
2) When did the last election take place ? It took place in ------
3) How old do you have to be if you want to vote ?
4) How are US elections decided ?
They are decided by: ◊ the people ◊individual states ◊ by the total votes
5) How many choices do voters get ?
6) What is counted after the votes of the people ? ---- the votes
7) What happens after that ? -------- state select their candidate
8) What is the problem ? US states are different. How different are they ? (give an example)
9) What matters most ? the number of ----------------
10) Why is important for the candidate to win states with more population ?
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